“A Pig Trotter a Day helps to keep Wrinkles Away?
It is Scientifically AND Historically PROVEN that Pork Collagen Easily Absorbed by Human Bio Mechanisms.
Who wouldn’t Eat some Pork Skin if you can get that Supple, Soft, Smooth and Totally Bliss-Inducing High Feeling from Touching Your Own Face?
Eating Pig Skin for Collagen and Beauty is something that My Family Practiced … and loved!
I always Find Ways to Cook Pig Trotter and I Never Relate Soya Beans In Cooking Until I saw this in Aunty Terri's Blog!
It Took More Than 3 Hours To Soften the BEANS Even I've Soaked OVernight!!
This Recipe was Suppose to add Rock Sugar but I Omitted the Sugar. The Natural Sweetness From the Soya Beans Goes Well With the Pork Trotter, Mushroom, Sauces....Etc And It Was